Tuesday, January 10, 2006

rough roads ahead...

Well...Things are going well. Yesterday, after posting my blog, I successfuly navigated my way to the Indian Airlines ticket office, located in the back room, upstairs of a wharehouse/garage, and changed my ticket to leave Port Blair to January 26th without the surcharge that my itinerary indicated there would be. I was also able to stomach a hearty dinner, which is a first thus far. This morning I made my way down to Pheonix Bay Jetty and, after pushing my way around in line for an hour, was able to purchase my ferry ticket for Little Andaman leaving tomorrow at 6:30am. The trip will take 8 hours and is supposed to be very beautiful. Little Andaman, on the other hand, is sounding like it will be a difficult experience. It is so remote that they have only just begun to recover from the tsunami. I really have no idea what to expect...but I'm sure it will not be much. Also there are literally no other tourist headed in that direction, so it may be very lonely as well. But, as Michelle reassured me, I'll have my surfboard, and that's the whole reason I came here in the first place. In search of total bliss.
this morning I ran into a number of westerners at the Jetty. It was great to have a regular conversation in English...it can be very lonely when you are not only in a strange place, but unable to communicate with anyone around you. I will publish another post as soon as I have the chance, which, as I said in the previous post, may not be for several weeks. Know that I am well and will be taking care of myself as best as possible. Dad...your voice will be ringing in the back of head..."BE CAREFUL." I send my love to you all. -Sam


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