Monday, February 06, 2006

A case of the mondays

Super Bowl has given us all here in Thailand a 'case of the mondays.' Actually it has only affected the four of us who really care...but we are really sad.
Saturday night Peter and I left at 3:30am and hiked up a mountain that sits on the edge of Chiang Mai to a Temple for sunrise. The walk was about 12 kilometers and took 2 1/2 hours. The sunrise was anti-climatic, it was blocked by a bunch of haze and clouds (the pollution is pretty bad in Chiang Mai - the city is clean but air pollution is terrible). However, watching the monks go through their morning rituals and teach a bunch of school children walking meditation was well worth the walk.
This morning (monday), we woke up at 4:45am to claim good seats at a bar we'd carefully chosen to watch the superbowl - turns out we were the only ones who really cared. Kickoff was at 6:30am - I wont go into the details of the game, the wound is still fresh. In several days Peter and I will head south to some tropical beaches. Not a bad life to be living...even if its a life where the Seahawks are only number 2.


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