Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Hello all!
After several relaxing days spent recovering from the Seahawks' devastating loss, Peter and I are packing up to catch an overnight bus down to Bangkok. From there it's either to some southern beaches or over to Cambodia where we'd spend a week before returning to Bangkok to pick up Mike Elliott from the airport.
Chiang Mai: 4-6 meals a day, a wide variety of food. Tennis, scrabble, or ultimate frisbee in the afternoon; or all three. Cards and games at night hanging out at Paradise Pizza, a friend of Peters' restaraunt. Nice chats with Liz, comfortable house, hot shower and great hostess. Not a bad way to relax a couple days. Sad to be leaving this great city, but excited to come back with Mike and show him around.
Michelle is doing well in Budapest. She is learning Hungarian, travelling the surrounding area, hanging out with locals and finding numerous vegetarian restaraunts to satisfy her diet. Having a great time now knowing that I've got months of happiness ahead of me. Hope that everyone back home is happy and well.


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