The city of Copan, Honduras. Beautiful city with narrow, cobble-stone streets

Three hour bus ride from Copan to Rio Honda, above. Waited here for an hour for a bus to Flores, Guatemala - another 8 hours on bus, standing up for half of it. Long day.

Tikal ruins, an hour north of Flores. Wonderful day by myself, exploring the ruins for about five hours. So much to see.

The central plaza. On Temple II, looking toward Temple I

The stunning view from Temple IV. Sat up here for a long time and was rewarded with moments alone (lots of tourists in Tikal), with nothing but the sound of the jungle below. Tranquil.

Clawing my way up temple IV

Temple III

Sunset at a beach on San Miguel, a short boat ride from the Island of Flores, where I am currently staying at a wonderful hostel, Los Amigos.

This Brit goes by the name of `Fraggle.` When I asked him why, he mooned me. I laughed for a good five minutes at this.
Tomorrow I leave on a 6 day, 80 mile trek through the jungle to El Mirador. El Mirador is a city of ruins not yet excavated. I will visit the tallest pyramid built by the Mayans, and ruins still covered beneath layers of jungle. So, I will be out of touch for a bit. I will write a post on the other side of this journey. Hope all is well with everyone. Peace.
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