Somewhere along the way my electronics pouch carrying my ipod and various cords, including my camera cord, got left behind. I can only post pictures when somebody has a cord I can borrow, so unfortunately these posts may be less frequent.

Flakesy in San Juan del Sur

The first street sign I've seen in Nicaragua. Brought to you by Flor de Cana (Nicaraguan Rum)


Rain falling in the courtyard of the Bearded Monkey, the hostel in Granada

Lago Apoyo. So beautiful. A really special place. The lake is said to have healing powers.

Nancy fitting Brandon with one of her Sarongs. In the morning, Nancy led us through a 90 minute yoga class.

Angela, not sure of what to think of Brandon's new sarong.

The group at Lago Apoyo (minus Sean, Joe, and myself). A blury picture, but the only one I have of this group that we had so much fun with.
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