Saturday, August 29, 2009

Tica and back to Nica

Last I wrote we were in Costa Rica, laying low in Tamarindo while Kris was on the mend from some travellers sickness.
Tamarindo was not much our style, and the surfing was awful, so the next morning, when Kris was feeling better, we jumped on a shuttle south to Avellanes hoping to score some better surf and a less touristy town. Most places were full or closed for the season, so we ended up at a run-down place called ¨Iguana Verde¨. The swell was dying and the forecast was that it would only get worse. Our new rooms were infested with mold and spiders. We payed for the rooms and camped on the front lawn.
After only one night in Avellanas, Kris and Skyler decided that they´d rather finish their trips in Nicaragua. If there was no swell, we´d all rather be hanging out at Buena Onda than in any place we´d seen in Costa Rica. Plus, the beach at Buena Onda tends to pick up a bit more swell, and the winds are always favorable.
So, with the decision made, it was another full day on busses. When we made it into Nica and onto the dingy bus (all the public busses in Nicaragua are old school busses from the US and Canada - we are constantly on the lookout for one from a Seattle school district - that are repainted bright colors and adorned with various dashboard ornaments), it was a breath of fresh air. The people are so friendly, the place is so alive, and we all just get a wonderful feeling from the country.
We are back at Buena Onda now, camping out for $5 a day. We had a fun surf this morning and are enjoying the laid back atmosphere and seclusion of the resort. The season is ending and things around the beach are starting to quiet down, which is nice.
I hope all is well with everyone. I´ll write again soon.


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