Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On the road again

Hey all
We are on our last day in Las Salinas at the Buenos Onda (good vibes) resort. Fun waves, big crowds, and a very mellow place to spend three nights. We drove north the last two days and scored really good waves with slightly smaller crowds. Today, we continue our journey south, hopefully making it to a town just north of San Juan Del Sur for the night. I´m not sure when we´ll have internet access again, so I just wanted to drop a line before going off the grid for a while.
Highlight of the day, besides the waves, was a group of howler monkeys we encountered while driving a dirt road through the jungle after our surf. They make a booming moan that echos through the jungle and would scare the crap out of me if I hadn´t had a car´s worth of metal between me and the them. As Skyler eloquently put it, it´s a sound that makes your balls shrink.
I hope all is well with everyone. Hasta luego.


At 7:39 AM, Blogger cheadled said...

It's Tuesday morning. Steve should be getting on a plane soon, so I'm looking forward to hearing his stories. All's well here. Ralph's taken Brent and Andy to the Hunter's Whorehouse - Andy should be bagging some hens right about now. - xox Mom


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