Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Nicaragua!!! Gullible is BACK

Hi all

I am at the start of a new journey. Kris Van Gieson, Steve Neff, Skyler Vella and I landed in Nicaragua last night and stayed near the airport at a Best Western. We´ve rented a car and are finally about to leave the familiar and enter the unknown. Stepping off the plane and smelling the air and feeling the tropical humidity, I felt a rush of excitement as the reality of my three month adventure finally settled in. All is well thus far. I have no time to write anything else, because we´re about to leave in search of surf! First stop - Puerto Sandino.


At 11:21 PM, Blogger Brandon said...

sam you got to let me know where you will be in september I have a ticket that I need to use and I want to meet up with you in central america somewhere. Let me know whats up as soon as you can. I always wanted to check out costa rica but bro where ever your at im there surfs up.

At 5:22 PM, Blogger Sam said...

I will likely be in Costa Rica with Mike. Meet me there.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Brandon said...

I will be in costa rica on the 9th for a month. I am going to try and teach english down there getting my TEFL cert. as we speak. Cant wait to see you bro, shit mike too. Its been too long.

At 8:33 AM, Blogger Brandon said...

where should i meet up with you bro maybe guanacaste i will be there on my birthday the 10th.


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