Friday, September 04, 2009

End of Trip #2

Kris and Sky left this morning.
Last night, our hosts at Buena Onda took us to a local hot springs. Going to a hot springs in the tropics sounded odd, but turned out to be a wonderful experience. The springs were unmarked, down a local dirt road. Beautiful palms and trees surrounded the pools. Birds and bugs sang and buzzed in the background.
The springs are used primarily by locals. Two of the pools are lined with washboards, where women do laundry on a daily basis.
It felt so nice, after being somewhat idle for a week at Buena Onda, to get out and explore. The little adventure filled me with excitement for the two months I have left, and all the places and experiences I have before me. Although I was sad that night that Sky and Kris would be leaving, I was looking forward to the next phase of my trip.
I woke up at 5am to say goodbye to Kris and Sky. I lolled in and out of sleep for another couple hours, then lifted myself out of my hammock. At this point, the sadness of my travelling companions´departure really hit me. We had such a great trip down here in Nicaragua and had so many good times together, it felt very different to now be in this country without them.
Cyril (Flakesy) and I moved from Buena Onda, which is now officially closed, to the spot on the beach where Sky and I have been having breakfast the last week. The incoming swell showed up a little early, and I just got back from a 3 hour surf in really fun chest high waves. Nothing like good waves to lift the spirits.
Next Wednsday I will meet up with Mike Elliott in Grenada, Nicaragua. I can´t wait to see him. I´m really looking forward, after a weekend of good surf, to get back on the move and explore new places. That´s all for now. I hope all is well with everyone.


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