Thursday, February 09, 2006

Right on Schedule

Wedensday night, Peter and I took an overnight bus to Bangkok. We arrived at 5:30am, got some breakfast, and then rented a room and slept until 12. We then devised another one of our brilliant plans. We were going to take a train to Phattalung, in the deep south of Thailand, where we would rent motorbikes and spend a week exploring the coast. The next train, we discovered, left at 3:50. That gave us three hours to meet Peter's friend, store our bags, pack small backpacks for the trip, I had to change my tickets to Budapest at the travel agent and we also managed to find a couple to buy our room off of us...oh yeah, and we had to buy tickets for the train. Somehow, we managed all these tasks and, like always, were right on schedule. Now, after a 16 hour train ride, we are sitting in Phattalung trying to plan our next step. It's early, we're tired, and there are no motorbikes to rent in Phattalung. Change of plans. We're gonna hop a short bus down to Trang and try to rent bikes there. More to follow... 10-4 out.


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