Thursday, March 16, 2006


Well...the weather improved enough on Paros for us to rent scooters and drive around the island. Great tiny villages that dotted the green, hilly landscape. The next day we got on a ferry and headed to Santorini Island. Santorini's current shape was molded by a volcano island just off shore and a giant earthquake in the 1950's. The Island is now lifted far above the sea, bordered by great cliffs jutting up from the Meditteranian. The towns on the island sit right at the top of the cliffs and provide spectacular views of the sea and the surrounding Islands. Today we took a boat tour to the volcano island and explored its lava rocks and craters, then the boat anchored in a harbor - we all dove off the boat into the freezing Meditteranian (isn't it supposed to be warm!) and swam to a hot, though it was really luke-warm, spring in a tiny inlet. The tour finished off by loading us onto donkeys that took us along the steep path up the cliff to Faros, the town where we (and the few other tourists here this time of year) are staying. The tour was actually a load of fun and it was a great opportunity to meet the other travellers on the island. Tonight we get on a ferry and hopefully sleep the duration of the nine hour ride to Athens. Michelle and I fly back to Budapest Saturday morning. Next week I'll have access to the computers at Michelle's school and upload some pictures from our trip. Hope that everyone is happy and well. Michelle and I send our love to all.


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