Monday, April 03, 2006


Hello all!
In Dubrovnik, Croatia right now with Mike and Kevin - we are having a great time. Dubrovnik is a beautiful city on the Adriatic Sea with an old town that is still enclosed by its original fortified walls reaching as high as 25 meters. Leaving Michelle in Budapest was difficult, as saying our goodbyes always are. When we reunite it feels as if we never left one another, but when we part it creates a huge void in our individual lives and getting used to that seperation is always a tedious process. However, I cannot complain that much - I am travelling all over Europe for the next 5 weeks with two of my best friends - and when it is done I return to Michelle in Budapest for one last week together before we fly back to the states.
Mike, Kevin and I are currently deciding whether we are going to travel south to Greece, or get a ferry from Dubrovnik to Italy...the difficult decisions we face in our lives. Right now we are going to pay 50 kunas (about 8 dollers) to walk the perimeter of old town on top of the walls. We have rented a cheap arpartment (cheaper than the youth hostel) and are cooking all our own meals to save money. Hope this message finds everyone well. Mom - tell Grandpa he had a postcard to be sent today, but apparently it fell out of my bag and is lost. I am falling behind and need to make it up soon. Send my love.


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