Friday, September 11, 2009

Mike and a surprise

Hey all -
Mike showed up Wed. around 8. I was so glad to see him. We went out with everyone from the hostel that night and had a good time. Randomly met another guy that went to GW law with us at the hostel.
Yesterday, in the comments from my previous post, I got a message from B - my good friend from USD - saying ¨Don´t move! I´m coming to Granada today.¨ Sure enough, around 7.30 last night B rolled up. We all had a great time last night. Great to see B - it´s been almost two years since I last saw him.
Today we head to a crater lake and will stay at a small hostel there. On Saturday we head back to San Juan del Sur and meet back up with Flakesy on Sunday. Can´t wait to get back in the water.
On Sunday we are going to try and catch the Seahawks game in San Juan del Sur.
that´s all for now.


At 12:30 PM, Blogger cheadled said...

hey, Sam. Just back from a nice visit to LA. Thought of you both ways as my plane flew above the beige sand and blue sea of the coast. Been listening to a recorded book I downloaded to my IPHONE - I was so involved in it that from when Dad picked me up at the airport yesterday at 4:00 and until now when I just finished the book, I've hardly spoken to him. Phew. Glad that's over. It was good - Broken for You. this is why I can't read fiction - the rest of the world ceases to exist. - xoxo MOM


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