Saturday, September 05, 2009

Surfin in the Rain

Last night Flakesy and I went for an evening surf, as the waves were still coming in even with the outgoing tide. After about 15 minutes we saw a storm coming our way. In another 15 minutes, the rain started to fall. Then the squall hit.
Rain poured down, shooting at our backs with the offshore winds. Gale-force winds picked up, sending pulses of energy out to the ocean, colliding with the oncoming waves. When the heart of the storm hit, visibility went to zero. The rain was pouring down, the wind was sweeping the rain sideways and picking so much water off the ocean that visability disapeared, not because of storm clouds, but because of the wall of water passing by us. You couldn´t see the guys sitting around you, but could just make out their hoots and hollers above the wind. The thick of the storm passed, but the pounding rain persisted for another 10 minutes, accompanied by strong winds, but much of the visibility returned. Fish began to jump out of the water all along the beach. Fish over a foot long, not the usual tiny flying fish you see skipping accross the surface. It was chaos, even for the fish. Sitting on my board, I was assaulted. A fish leapt out of the water and shot straight into my chest. In hindsight, I should have tried to catch it - just for the story. In reality, I lurched off the back of my board in fear.
When the storm completely passed and the rain stopped, we were left with glassy, perfect conditions, and only 6 guys out along the whole beach. Most had eventually grew tired of the storm and gone in. It was a unique and memorable session.
Sky and Kris - I thought of you guys while I was out there and wished you were with me for that surf.
That´s all for now.


At 3:09 PM, Blogger cheadled said...

Just helped Dad sign into Google to leave a comment. Hope it worked! Mom

At 3:12 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Sam, Great of you to keep us posted. Granddad Andy

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Andy said...

Wish you'ld taken up surfing when I was younger.

At 8:33 PM, Blogger MAF3 said...

Hey Sam, thanks so much for posting these. Sorry I haven't commented recently, but I've caught up on reading them tonight. I started work on the 31st, so needless to say I'm envious (even though I can't surf :-)). Kristen and I miss you, and we hope you continue to enjoy your trip.

At 8:36 PM, Blogger MAF3 said...

Also, did I lend you a season of Family Guy? I can't find it, and after that Arrested Development disc incident, I assume it's you ;-)

At 1:22 PM, Blogger Sam said...

I did not borrow family guy. I know I am kind of a black hole when it comes to stuff like that...but it wasn´t me. I will keep posting to keep you and the others starting work entertained during the day.


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